More about our services
Communion (Also called the Eucharist)
This service begins with prayers and hymns, Bible readings and a talk. Then the priest blesses the bread and wine which we share at the altar rail. The service recalls the Last Supper, when Jesus shared bread and wine with his followers on the night before he died. Through doing this, we draw near to God, and to each other, giving thanks for all God's gifts, and especially for the gift of Jesus.
Everyone is welcome to come to the altar rail either to receive bread and wine if they normally do in any Christian church, or for a blessing from the priest if they prefer. The music at the service is led by the organ (and a small choir at Ickham and Wickhambreaux). The service lasts about an hour.
Sung Matins
This service uses the traditional language of the Book of Common Prayer, and includes psalms and hymns, bible readings and prayer. Hymns, canticles and responses are sung to organ accompaniment and a psalm is said. There is a sermon given at this service and the whole service lasts about 60 minutes.
Evensong or Evening Prayer
This is a traditional service using the language of the Book of Common Prayer. At Stodmarsh, even though usually a small congregation, we enjoy singing the Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis canticles as well as four hymns all accompanied by our organist. We hear Bible readings, pray for our needs and the needs of others and listen to a sermon. The service offers a peaceful end to the day's worship and lasts around 50 minutes.